Mumbai. In world where the success of movies is estimated by the collection at the box office The arrival of film festivals has provided a lot of films to showcase their work on a larger scale. One such film making India proud internationally is Rahul Yadav’s ’10 Ka 4′.

The short film highlights the importance of child education which also promotes Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s campaign “Beti Bachao , Beti Padhao”. The makers portray in a very simplistic way, a child’s desire to learn but not just from school.
‘10 ka 4’ has till date received more than 50 feathers and also won more than a dozens of awards.
The film recently won awards at festivals like Cannes Film Experience, Sensus Film Festival, Thinking Hat Fiction Challenge etc

When asked director Rahul about winning appreciations he said, “I am happy that my film has been receiving so much appreciation… My idea behind this film was very simple, to bring light to issue of quality education in our country and if I can get about 25% of change I feel my purpose would be solved.”
The short film stars Shruti Sharma and child actor ……The movie is presented by Aditya Bharadwaj of Y-Star CTPL who have produced “India Shining” ‘Rang Biranga Anar’, ‘Shaatika’,”Therapist ” to name a few.