IAS Officer Abhishek Singh stated, “People of both the age groups 18-44 and 45+ are being administered covishield vaccine today and tomorrow at Best Tech Mall, Mohali.”
Singer Bpraak Mentioned “I urge all the citizens to go and get vaccinated in a safe, comfortable and efficient manner. Stay Healthy, Stay Safe! You may see the website unitedbyblood.com for more details.”
Karan Singh Chhabra, TV Presenter and Social Activist, added, “The best part about this vaccination drive is that those who are not able to register online can visit us without any prior appointment and social distancing is automatically ensured as they are in their cars with no requirement of stepping out for anything.”
This Drive Through Vaccination Facility is organised by unitedbyblood – a not for profit mission against covid-19 in partnership with Max Hospital.