Manoranjan Metro | मनोरंजन मेट्रो

Aditi Shetty on RWA’s taking care of stray animals: This is such great news!

Feeding cats and dogs is a law now and even RWAs are expected to make sure the animals in their vicinity are well fed. This comes as a welcome change for animal lovers such as actress Aditi Shetty. She says that she has often found it hard to believe why people would object to this in the first place.

“I have read so many instances where some people have attacked and fought with people for feeding stray animals and it breaks my heart to see there is no empathy for these special creatures who bring so much joy to our lives. It’s such great news and I am elated to know that this law has been passed and now all the animal lovers can feed these babies without any issues. My message to anyone reading this would be please be empathetic and take care of the animals and birds around you and they will give so much love back to you,” she says.

Talking about her love for animals, she says, “I am a proud godmother to two rescued cats Pika, Chika and 2 dogs Theo, Coco. They are my babies and bring a lot of joy to my life. Since childhood, I have seen my parents feed stray dogs, cats, cows, birds. It’s an everyday routine for us now. My mom specially cooks for them and makes sure they are well fed.”

She adds, “I remember when I was in school, I would accompany my mom’s friend who would feed dogs in our locality every evening. It was so therapeutic and satisfying to spend time with them and take care of them. So many street dogs were injured and we tried to take care of them too.”