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Ahead of Women’s Day, Actor-Producer Arushi Nishank talks about dealing with negativity and body-shaming on social media

Actor-Producer Arushi Nishank has always been someone who’s been recognised and known as the ideal representation of ‘beauty with brains’. Be it with the choices that she makes as an actress or the choices that she backs as a Producer, she always backs her instincts, goes by her gut feeling and in the process, more often than not, she achieves tremendous success. Apart from being a successful personality in her field of art and craft, another reason why she’s immensely respected and rated highly is because of her vocal nature. In an industry where many professionals take a backseat from speaking their heart out on relevant and important subjects involving the society, Arushi Nishank is someone who’s always very vocal and outspoken and it is this personality trait of her’s that wins hearts.

In the past as well, she’s spoken about different issues and this time, ahead of Women’s Day, Arushi talks about the very important and relevant subject of mental health and body-shaming and how the two are interconnected. On being asked to speak more about the same, Arushi shares her knowledgeable insights and we quote,

“The world of social media has its own pros and cons. As far as women are concerned, one thing that women go through on a daily basis is body-shaming and getting slut-shamed for their choice of outfits. If someone is underweight and skinny, they are shamed and if someone is obese, they are also shamed. While we are very quick to pass judgements about someone and how they look, what these people don’t understand is that sometimes it’s a forced thing and not out of choice. A skinny person perhaps wants to gain weight but there are other medical complications associated due to which she’s not being successful. Same with the obese. And the number of women who get shamed for their choice of outfits is uncountable. All this puts an element of self-doubt in these women and they start to think something is wrong with them. As Women’s Day approaches, my message is loud and clear to these women. All I would like to say is that please filter what is necessary information and what isn’t. Nobody in this world has got the right or power to decide how you should feel about yourself. Women empowerment according to me is not just about doing a job independently or wearing clothes of your choice. True women empowerment happens when you don’t let all these trivial people from society decide your own worth and you feel confident in your skin the way you are. Change things about yourself only when you feel you should, not when others dictate you to. That according to me is true women empowerment and hence, please don’t let such trivial things affect your mental health. You all are made for a lot better. Shine and fly and always be the phoenix that you are.”

As far as upcoming work is concerned, the talented artist is all set to win hearts with her upcoming project ‘Tarini’. On being asked more about the same, Arushi shares,

“Well, as far as Tarini is concerned, its a historic event that happened in 2015. We have been working on this project for a few years now and have taken exclusive rights from the Ministry of Defence to make this film. This was the very first time when six women naval officers completed a circumnavigation in a small Made in India boat alone in 254 days. The story is full of adventure, emotion and humour. A lot of hard work and efforts have been put forward for this and I am really looking forward to the same. Stay tuned.”

Well, absolutely brilliant words from Arushi and such insightful thoughts can only arise from such a mind who’s herself so intellectual and street-smart. Kudos to her for inspiring women towards the right direction ahead of Women’s Day. As far as our memory is concerned, the only other lady in the past who’s always been so vocal and inspiring when it comes to women empowerment is Priyanka Chopra and now, Arushi Nishank is certainly carrying forward the legacy in this space brilliantly. Here’s wishing her good luck and success for Tarini and everything that she does going forward. Stay tuned for more updates.