Home BOLLYWOOD Being satisfied and fully present in the moment: Gunjan Saini on happiness 

Being satisfied and fully present in the moment: Gunjan Saini on happiness 

by team metro

For actress-poet Gunjan Saini, who was part of the series Gutur Gu on Amazon Mini TV, happiness means finding joy in the moment.
She said, “For me, happiness is fundamentally about being satisfied and fully present in the moment. It’s about finding joy in the here and now, without the distractions of future worries or past regrets.”
“For instance, when I sit down to enjoy a cup of coffee, I want to be completely immersed in that experience. I don’t want my mind to wander to work commitments or other responsibilities. This simple act of enjoying coffee without distraction brings a sense of peace and contentment,” she added.
She also mentioned that peace and satisfaction are important for happiness. She said, “I am someone who experiences emotions intensely, whether they are small moments of happiness or minor frustrations. These small ups and downs are part of my daily life. If we are not satisfied with our lives, it’s impossible to find true joy in anything we do. Dissatisfaction acts as a barrier to happiness, and overcoming this barrier is essential for a fulfilling life.”
But Gunjan stressed that it’s important to distinguish between success and happiness. She said, “Recently, one of my social media reels reached 200,000 views. While this moment of success was exciting, it also led me to immediately think about the next milestone. This reaction made me realize that tying happiness to success is fleeting and unsustainable.”
“True happiness should come from the journey itself, the day-to-day moments, rather than the peaks of success. When we focus on enjoying the journey, happiness stays with us longer,” she added.
Can you share moments when you felt genuinely happy? “In my personal life, one of my happiest moments was when I shared with my parents about my partner, and they accepted him with open arms. This acceptance brought me immense joy and relief. Professionally, I find happiness and a sense of blessing whenever I am on stage. Performing on stage reminds me that I am living my dream as an artist. This reminder is a profound source of happiness for me, affirming my life’s purpose and passion,” she said.
“Happiness is about cherishing these moments and understanding that it is not dependent on achieving success. It is about being satisfied with who we are and where we are at any given moment. This mindset allows us to live a more joyful and meaningful life,” Gunjan ended.

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