The term of transgender is a big umbrella. There are many things that fall under it. I am proudly trans women. It’s really not important who you are , important thing is what u have done for society.i realised my true identity at very young age . Belonging to a small town in Bihar sharing this feeling to my parents was difficult for me I was not comfortable with my body we couldn’t talk such things in the open especially when it comes to male female and the third gender although the thunder was officially recognised by government in 2014 it is often looked down upon nevertheless, I never give up. I am the first trans woman model trained by cocoberry agency I am the first ever Miss transqueen India brand ambassador tedx speaker today I am a role model for many people
Believe in yourself and believe in your dreams I did to achieve my dream I am really very happy I always says to the people that I am a proud transqueen India , its responsibility a responsibility to change the mindset of society.