Home BOLLYWOOD Celebs talk about the book they fell in love with!

Celebs talk about the book they fell in love with!

by Team MMetro

Mrunal Jain
The book that touched my heart is The Secret. The book’s content is a slice of life. It has basic stuff which I can relate too. I have gifted this book to many friends too. Whosoever read it loved it and thanked me.

Shirin Mirza
I love Pauhleo Coelho books.The Alchemist is a psychological novel that really touched my core. The book has depth and substance. I strongly recommend it.

Siddharth Sipani
The book that influenced me was Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach. The book teaches the importance of being unique and different

Zaan Khan
I love the book The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand. The book explores layers of relationships. The book had a very deep message of live and let live.

Subuhii Joshii
I loved the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. The book changed my attitude towards life and wealth.

Kettan Singh
The leadership sutra ” by Devdutt Patnaik. It’s an insight to the human existence and a beautiful interpretation of mythology in modern times .

Sharad Malhotra
Mystics and Musings – by Sadhguru. He’s my guru and reading this book has changed my perspective to life and instilled a new sense of purpose in me.

Nikkiey Chawla
The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma was interesting, simple, and with a message.

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