Home BOLLYWOOD Actress Delnaaz Irani’s ‘Together We Can’ movement is inspiring

Actress Delnaaz Irani’s ‘Together We Can’ movement is inspiring

by team metro

In these unprecedented times when people are dying in thousands from this deadly virus, there are many who are unable to muster two square meals a day. A large number of people globally are struggling to get even the basic necessities to survive.

Delnaaz, who stays in the western suburbs of Mumbai, has started an initiative – Together We Can — in which she is arranging refreshments for the building watchmen and the courier guys who come to deliver stuff in the building. She gives them energiser sachets and bottled water. In this tremendous heat when the courier guys are not allowed to come inside the building premises Delnaaz’s gesture has been appreciated by all. Seeing her act of kindness, many others have got inspired and doing their bit. As we all know, every little gesture helps. In this tough time, we need more people like Delnaaz.

Delnaaz also recently started taking an initiative in supporting local shops as she believes that in this lockdown, they are the ones who have been the best help for the neighbourhood.

While we always try to blame others for this situation (why isn’t the government doing this or why isn’t the society doing this). And this also teaches us that small initiatives can also bring joy to people’s life. And these are things which all of us can do. So what are you waiting for?

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