DigiflixTv a platform for the showcase of all the web series, movies, songs, etc is ready to set a mark. It has launched its latest DigiflixTv Bangla in Kolkata. The team of DigiflixTv includes Nishant Awasthi (CEO), Deepika Awasthi (COO), Vishal Roy (COO), and Inder Mohan Singh (CFO). DigiflixTv started in the year 2020 and is projected to spread throughout the near future.
Nishant Awasthi (CEO) and Inder Mohan Singh (CFO) said, “DigiflixTv has been a long-time dream for us and we are very extremely proud of DigiflixTv Bangla. We are making sure to give fair opportunities and chances to singers and actors in every possible area as we could. We are also planning to include more areas in the northeast. We are very excited to bring DigiflixTv to a wider audience. We hope that the audience would love our platform.”
As stated by Deepika Awasthi (COO),” Giving out, even more, entertainment to our audiences is our ultimate goal. What better way to get that out with, but DigiflixTv? I am extremely excited that we have launched the DigiflixTv Bangla and we are set to bring out DigiflixTv to many more areas for everyone to enjoy entertainment on their screens.”
Vishal Roy, (COO) said, “Since there is no inclusion of Bangla actors and movies in the umbrella of Tollywood, we came with the idea to create different DigiflixTv for different areas. This is done to ensure that we provide a platform for new talent and new faces in the industry. We have started the work of taking DigiflixTv on a higher level. We have taken our first step. In the next two to three months, we are planning to introduce DigiflixTv in countries such as the Middle East, Pakistan, Canada, Russia, Australia, South Africa, and more.”
Urvashi Joshi said,” We are very enthusiastic and positive about Digiflix TV. We hope that it will be adored and cherished by the audience. It has been in the works for a long time and after Digiflix TV Bangla we are further eager to get Digiflix TV in other regions.”
In the press conference held in Kolkata on the auspicious occasion for the launch of DigiflixTv Bangla, prominent personalities such as Devtun, Rimona, Sneha, Rohan Sen, Aditi Bose, Amruta De, Prashant H Kudu and many more were present. As a team, we really strive to bring good content to our audience. And we plan of doing that through DigiflixTv.