Writer-ditector Nitin Kumar Gupta, who recently helmed web film “L.A.C.”, was among the first celeb to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in January 2021. A doctor from the K.E.M. Hospital, Mumbai, he recently got the second dose of the vaccine and is now vaccine certified. Nitin said, “I received the first dose last month and the second dose this week of the Oxford Covishield vaccine. I had the privilege of receiving the vaccine at my alma mater K.E.M. Hospital from where I had received my M.B.B.S. degree.”
Sharing his experience, the “Sayonee” director said, “I suffered no side effects on either the first or second dose. Some recipients experienced fever and weakness for a day or two, which is normal for any vaccination.” However, Nitin confessed that though he feels confident in meeting people now, he still tries to follow the precautions. He said, “I feel more confident to meet people now, though I still maintain the same precautions as earlier, i.e. social distancing and mask at all times.”
“There are variants of the virus that the vaccine does not protect against, and as per clinical trials the vaccine does not offer full protection, so there is no harm in being extra cautious!” he concluded. Nitin is currently awaiting the release of his Rahul Roy, Nishant Singh Malkhani-starrer “L.A.C.”. Shot in Kargil, it is based on the Sino-India conflict in the Galvan valley.