Carnival Cinemas will follow all Government Safety Guidelines and best practices to ensure our patrons’ safety and comfort. The plan also includes safety measures based on feedback received from employees and moviegoers they have deemed most important for their return. Come let’s celebrate safety! We can’t wait to welcome you more.

Guidelines include:
Use of body temperature detectors for customers
Measures to ensure social distancing at every point during a visit to the cinema, especially while seating, with people from different households sitting apart, and with a limited capacity in each screen
Encourage customers to use face masks
Enhancing cleaning and hygiene, including the provision of antibacterial gels stations (sanitizers) for cinema-goers throughout each site
ULV Foggers. Employees will sanitize every auditorium and seat after each movie. This form of deep sanitization is highly effective in disinfecting all materials with a non-toxic formula that is fast drying
Health emergency programs
Moviegoers will be persuaded to keep the contact with the staff as minimal as possible with e-tickets and e-orders for food and drinks being in place and contactless paperless payments
Revised scheduling of films to allow time for deep cleaning of auditoriums between screenings and to avoid crowding in corridors
Food shall be served with utmost care and hygiene
Touch free facilities at the washrooms
Smooth exits to avoid crowd
WHO certified COVID19 staff training to manage various difficult situations
Carnival employees will undergo daily health screenings including temperature checks where mandated
Employees will be required to wash hands at minimum every 30 to 60 minutes, dependent on job role
All employees will be required to wear masks