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Happu Resolves Family Issues and Celebrates Father’s Day with Joy

This week, Happu ki Ultan Paltan is in for a lot of celebration as Father’s Day is here! Happu is excited about Father’s Day. Chamchi wants to go on a night camping trip with her friends, but Happu refuses, making her upset. Ranbir is being manipulated by a friend to do her tasks. When Ranbir comes home late and Happu questions him, he argues with Happu.

Malaika has beaten up a minister’s brother-in-law due to a misunderstanding that he body-shamed her. The minister demands that Happu make his daughter apologize, but Malaika refuses and scolds Happu instead. Happu feels sad that his children don’t listen to him.

Meanwhile, Khodi mistakenly believes that Happu is not his real son and becomes so disheartened that he ignores Amma. Rajesh overhears this and Amma instructs her not to tell Happu, but Rajesh indirectly reveals it. From Happu’s behaviour, Amma realizes Rajesh has told him, leading to a conflict between Amma and Rajesh.

Chamchi eventually convinces Rajesh to let her go to the camp by getting emotional. At the camp, she hears a tiger’s roar and gets scared. Happu fires his gun, and Chamchi hugs him in relief.

Ranbir proposes to his friend, but she insults him and rejects his proposal, leaving him heartbroken. Happu talks to the girl and explains why insulting someone is wrong. She tells Ranbir that while she can’t be his girlfriend because they are too young, they can be friends, and she understands this because of Happu’s advice.

Happu, with the help of Manohar and Beni, frames the minister’s brother-in-law in a false case, resolving Malaika’s issue. Manohar tells Malaika that despite how her father might be as an officer, he is a great father. Khodi’s misunderstanding is also cleared up.

Everyone comes together to celebrate Father’s Day.