Actress Jyoti Saxena’s birthday is finally around the corner. Her birthday falls on May 4th. The actress is highly active on her social media and always aims to spread powerful messages through her posts. Jyoti, who will grow a year older, always does something special each year as she rings in her birthday.
With the objective of inspiring more women to feel empowered and healthy , Jyoti does something worthwhile each year on her special day.
The actress has chose to donate sanitary pads to rural girls this year.
Taboos and stigmas around periods hold many young girls and women back from achievingtheir goals because they feel emotionally strong, which limits them to realize their true potential. Lack of proper education, social fear and limited or no access to hygienic menstrual products lead to many women practicing poor menstrual hygiene during their period.
“As an actor, I want to create awareness on personal hygiene and make menstrual hygiene an important lifestyle practice for women of all ages, by contributing sanitary napkins on my birthday. I want to make my birthday more meaningful by not making it about me but about helping others,
A small wish to donate as many sanitary napkins as I can to all the underprivileged girls shall make me happy and my day worthwhile.
I feel blessed to be able to touch women’s lives by this tiny contribution that I can make , being a woman myself. Giving back to society and making a difference in someone’s life one step at a time is extremely essential. I feel privileged and would like to thank my parents who guided me to follow my dreams and work up the success ladder.,while keeping me aware of my role and responsibility in the society.” said actress Jyoti Saxena
The actress has a powerful yet very thoughtful wish prior to she bringing in her birthday by celebrating it this way. Seeing actors like Jyoti Saxena doing such a phenomenal job, motivates & inspires her followers to come forward and join the cause in any way they can.