As 2023 is around the corner, it’s time to look back and think about what we learned so far. It is also a moment to look ahead and make new year resolutions and plans. Tv Actress Chahatt Khanna Shared her New Year Plans and Resolutios with us and this time Chahatt is going to be working on New Year’s. Also She is taking precautions of avoiding crowded places keeping herself and her loved once safe due to the rise of covid.
Chahatt Khanna said, “This time I’ll be in Mumbai Celebrating New Year with my loved once. I have cancelled my show which was in LA due to covid which is again in rise. I have geared up to keep myself and my loved once safe.
About this ending year, Chahatt Said, “Despite my best efforts 2022 has bought many set backs in my life personally, and in professional aspect i’ve learnt a lot. Fortunately it came up well for my professional life as well as for my company. Overall i won’t term my 2022 as a bad year because there were some wonderful things and personally i’ve grown through all the rough experiences.
When asked about hes resolution for the coming year, she said: Stay Fit and healthy in both the forms physical and mental. I also aspire to work much harder than the previous year so that I can make a mark for myself while learning and growing as an individual.”
Lastly she wished all the readers a happy and successful new year,” Please be safe and sound.”