Amid all the discussion around the negatives of social media there are many positives too says actor Micckie Dudaaney. The Chotti Bahu actor feels it time that we concentrate on the good things and avoid the bad.
“I think the positive side of social media is somewhere you do get connected with the people who you were not connected earlier or lost touch for a long time. Like I had lost contact with my school and college friends and found them Facebook. When I went to Delhi we had a reunion again, all thanks to social media. Now we are in touch with each other. You also get to know so much about what is happening around you or in the world via social media. That again is quite helpful,” he says.
Dudaaney is on social media but says he is bad at handling it. “If you see my social media accounts, I have a very few followers and even follow fewer people. I follow few friends, family and may be just few actors. I am not really much into social media. I don’t post every day. My friends have been taunting me to do that for a long time, to post at least thrice a week. So now I try to post at least twice but I fail in that also,” he confesses.
Social media it seems has become an ego massage tool and disturbing the regular life of actors as many are mostly busy thinking what should they post every day.
“People actually compare the number of followers they have, some even flaunt it. The notion is more number of followers means the person is more in demand. Though this is not right but unfortunately it’s true in current times. It has become a question of ego, plus many are getting work based on their number of followers. And yes it is true that social media is actually troubling actors because they are under the constant pressure of entertaining and keeping the audience engaged with their regular posts, which is actually a task because even when we are shooting people are more concerned about clicking selfies and photos on set for social media, making behind the scenes videos. So that’s why people I think somehow have lost interest in their real life and work. Some are forgetting that the real job is to act and not to post on social media,” he adds.