Mother, the words define our existence. Our life is what our mothers make of it. They are our guiding force. Without our mothers, we are nothing. Since our childhood, she guides us through everything that helps us learn and grow in our lives. Celebrities share their fondest memories spent with their mother as a child. They also talk about that one gift which they want to give their mothers.
Meera Deosthale
When in school, I used to participate in all kinds of competitions. My mother would prep me up for everything, train me and I used to come back with trophies. Whenever I used to misbehave or make any mistakes, no one was allowed to scold me or raise a voice except my mother. She would teach me a lesson in her own sweet way.
Sidharrth Sipani
As a child, I wanted a toy that was very expensive, but we couldn’t afford it back then. But being a stubborn kid I asked mom to get me that toy. So, mum had to ask dad to get the toy. I remember waiting for my mom to come back from the market and was happy when she got me the gift. But after growing up I realised my mistake.
Priyamvada Kant
As a child, my mom used to keep me busy with paints and brushes, while she would be working on her huge sculptures. I also fondly remember her teaching me dance and helping me with all school plays and functions.
Nibeditaa Paal
I am family oriented and share close bonds with my mother from the beginning. I remember as a kid we had gone to Rotorua together and on many such vacations to New Zealand. We had so much fun every time. I don’t think any gift can suffice or match her value! But she is a foodie like me. I would love to cook some good food for her this Mother’s day.
Sneh Binny
It’s difficult to pick one special memory or moment. But yes mom is super funny, she doesn’t know what she said at times and she forgets what she kept where and the entire family is always looking for things around the house whenever she can’t find something and then we all end up laughing about it because most of the time she ends up keeping it in the wrong place. She’s super cute. One gift is too less for her, she gets whatever she wants. Mom loves dark chocolate but she’s on a diet so she doesn’t let anyone bring it home, otherwise she’ll end up eating it all. So I might give her a lot of her favourite chocolates. The joy on her face would be my return gift.
Anupama Solanki
The fondest memory from my childhood is that one day my mother suddenly came to my school and I was not in my classroom at that time and she started looking for me. Unfortunately, she found me on stage practicing dance and she scolded me and my dance teacher as well.
Anjali Phougat
I am so blessed to have two mothers one gave me birth and the other loves me just like her own daughter. Both my mother and mother-in-law are an inspiration to me, both have supported me unconditionally. I am in an inter-caste marriage and I feel like to have a mother-in-law who always loved me like her own daughter. She is a strong woman and always supported my passion. That I am a mother now, I understand the contribution of our mothers in our lives. It’s true that you understand mothers’ love more when you become a mother. I miss both my mothers and can’t wait for them as soon as things get better in India. I pray for their good health this Mother’s Day and everyday because it’s hard for me to dedicate just one day or just one gift for each of them.
Hasan Zaidi
There are too many memories to choose from but yes she used to drive the car really fast. Her unconditional love is what I am blessed with in my life. Ammi is a favourite with everyone, I’m the luckiest to have her.
Prajwal Gupta
Once I went to the dam with my friends without telling my parents. When they tried to find me everywhere and could not they filed a missing report. When I returned, my mother was furious and did beat me, but she was full of tears too. That day I understood her love and my mistake. I don’t know what I get for the woman who has given me so much. I am planning to buy a house in Mumbai on my mother’s name. I know both my parents would be super excited when that happens.
Rahul Bhatia
My mother always supported my talent and dream of becoming an artist, while my father, being a businessman, was strictly against my inclination towards art. My mom gave me Rs 3300 without telling me so that I could enrol in Shiamak Davar’s classes, where I started my journey. I’m truly blessed that my mom supported me that day. I wanted to buy her a Mercedes Benz but not sure if it will be possible this year.
Hrishikesh Pandey
The one gift I wanted to give her is the pair of gold bangles of a particular kind that she wanted for herself. I wanted to give it to her just before this lockdown but those bangles were not ready. But then finally we got it sometime back and she loved it.
Mohit Daga
I remember that she used to bribe us by saying that ‘learn this shloka, and then I’ll give you Rs 5 for ice cream’. She wanted to make us devotional towards our religion and our Guruji.