Home BOLLYWOOD Payal Ghosh Will Celebrate her birthday with orphanage kids this year

Payal Ghosh Will Celebrate her birthday with orphanage kids this year

by team metro

It’s that time of the year again and Payal Ghosh is all set with her plans of celebrating this year’s birthday. 13th Nov, the day she was born is ofcourse really special to the ‘Mr.Rascal’ actress and she has special plans to spend the day too.

“I’m really excited for my birthday this year, not because I’m celebrating it with my family and friends and will be the centre of attraction but because this year, I’m planning on doing something different on my birthday. I will be visiting an orphanage and spending time with the kids there, distributing gifts and happiness along with it. I think their smiles will be my greatest present and I’m really looking forward to doing my bit for those kids, who deserve every joy in the world. We always bring our birthday by partying or cutting a cake but this year, I had the urge to spend it doimg something meaningful. As a way of showing my gratitude to the Lord who gave me one more year of goodness and life , I will try to make a small difference in someone else’s lives , even if it is just for a day.”

On the work front, Payal is gearing up for her movie Red to release soon. The film RED is already very hot and sought after in the film trade and RED is Krushna Abhishek and Payal Ghosh’s most awaited ambitious film which is due for release very soon.

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