Home BOLLYWOOD Presentation: Celebrity Astrologer Praduman Suri Special on Nirjala Ekadashi

Presentation: Celebrity Astrologer Praduman Suri Special on Nirjala Ekadashi

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The Significance of Avoiding Rice on Ekadashi

Celebrity astrologer Praduman Suri highlights the scientific basis for avoiding rice on Ekadashi days, particularly focusing on the spiritual and physical benefits observed during Nirjala Ekadashi. This Ekadashi, occurring on June 18th, is considered the most meritorious of all.

The Importance of Nirjala Ekadashi

Nirjala Ekadashi stands out among all Ekadashis due to its timing when the moon is in the 11th lunar mansion, a period known for causing mental restlessness. According to Praduman Suri, observing the Ekadashi fast helps control this restlessness, aligning with the ancient scriptures which state: “There is no vow like Ekadashi, none greater in terms of resolving.” The primary aim of various rituals, prayers, ceremonies, and fasts prescribed in religious texts is to focus the mind. Achieving firm resolutions and subsequent accomplishments requires a focused mind, something that Ekadashi fasting helps attain.

The scriptures metaphorically describe the body as a chariot with the intellect as its charioteer. Our body comprises 11 senses, including the mind, which is pivotal in achieving a state of purity and divinity akin to Ekadashi. Mastery over these senses signifies a significant spiritual achievement.

The Scientific Basis of Ekadashi Vrat

From a scientific standpoint, the human body is composed of 75% water. The brain processes food intake over 3 to 4 days, and atmospheric pressure significantly impacts the mind and brain on Amavasya (new moon) and Purnima (full moon) days. Increased atmospheric pressure on these days can lead to mental restlessness, depression, and stress. Observing the Ekadashi fast helps mitigate these effects, promoting concentration and mental clarity.

On Ekadashi, atmospheric pressure is at its lowest compared to Amavasya and Purnima. Fasting on this day aids in purifying the body, contributing to both physical and mental well-being.

Why Rice is Prohibited on Ekadashi

Rice, being rich in the water element due to its cultivation in waterlogged fields, intensifies the lunar influence on the body. Consuming rice increases the body’s water content, which in turn heightens mental agitation and restlessness due to the moon’s effect on water. This restlessness can hinder the proper observance of fasting rituals such as prayer, recitation, and listening. Hence, the prohibition of rice consumption on Ekadashi is advised to maintain mental calm and ensure adherence to fasting rules.

Observing Nirjala Ekadashi Vrat

This year, Nirjala Ekadashi falls on Tuesday, June 18th, 2024. The fast should be broken on Wednesday, June 19th, from sunrise until 6:00 AM. Observing this fast with the prescribed guidelines helps achieve spiritual and physical benefits, aligning with the ancient wisdom endorsed by astrologers like Praduman Suri.

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