The gorgeous Somy Ali, who now runs a NGO – No More Tears, in the US, confessed that as a kid she was a big foodie, but things have changed now. She said, “Now I eat extremely healthy. I eat tons of protein and strictly avoid carbs.”
“After 35 our metabolism slows down and in order to remain healthy and maintain a healthy weight, I am hyper vigilant with my meal intake. I deem sugar to be our biggest enemy. I do not have any sugar at all. And I practice intermittent fasting, so I skip lunch or dinner depending on my day,” she added. Though she revealed that she can do basic cooking, her work schedule doesn’t give her enough time for that, and so home delivered food comes to her rescue. “I can make daal and chicken curry, but I don’t have time to cook due to my schedule, so it’s always delivered at the end of my workday. I practically live on healthy restaurant food since I do not have the luxury of house help and do not have anyone to prepare meals for me. It is almost always fish with vegetables or chicken with vegetables. For me it’s a regular routine. Again, due to the nature of my work that’s literally my only option,” she said. But home cooked or delivered, Somy follows a daily ritual before her meals. “I thank God for being in a position where I have food and for the victims within my NGO. I am grateful to our donors for giving me the ability to provide them with food too,” she concluded.