Sonam Chhabra is having a whale of a time touring across India and enjoying every bit of it. She has already performed at shows across cities such as Delhi, Mumbai, Udaipur, Jodhpur, Goa and many more with artists such as Sonu Nigam, Saleem Sulaiman, Rahul Vaidya. That’s a long list already and we are only in the second week of February. The upcoming days look super busy but Sonam loves her job and hosting shows or weddings is something that she is very passionate about.

We spoke to Sonam and here is what she says, “I am currently touring across India for shows and I couldn’t be more grateful. Each time I am about to step on stage I say a small gratitude prayer and give a pat on the back of young Sonam who had no idea if public speaking and performing arts could be a full time career yet here we are. I am thankful that get to travel to the most beautiful locations, meet some wonderful people and perform alongside some of the best artists in the country.”

Keep inspiring girl!