Mumbai. Nach Baliye9’s theme this upcoming weekend is #War, where the contestants are all set to #War against various causes and concepts through their performances.
While each jodi will be seen warring against something different and unique this time, actor Sourabh Raaj and wife Ridhima are all set to bring to light an ongoing current struggle which needs utmost importance at the moment, through their performance!
The couple will be seen portraying the war between nature and mankind, which is currently affecting the environment in a very big way, with trees being cut and destroyed all over. Also putting light upon the ongoing ‘Aarey colony’ fight!
Dressed up in the most unique way as trees, depicting their act in the right manner with the right message towards the cause, Sourabh and Ridhima are all set to showcase their stance for nature and the environment through this beautiful performance of theirs on the Nach Baliye9 stage this weekend!