In the landscape of contemporary cinema, where formulaic plots often dominate, “Article 370” emerges as a breath of fresh air also introducing the audience to a new genre of action political drama.
Not just that, the film is jointly produced by Jio Studios along with first time producers B62 Studios owned by Aditya and Lokesh Dhar. The film is not merely a cinematic endeavour but one that challenges conventions and ignites meaningful dialogue. The film has even been helmed by first-time director Aditya Suhas Jambhale, whose bold and innovative approach has shattered notions and myths surrounding the genre. With “Article 370,” Jambhale skilfully navigates the complexities of political intrigue, weaving a narrative that is as gripping as it is thought-provoking. In doing so, he has not only broken records but also paved the way for a new era of cinematic storytelling.
The film saw a surge in ticket sales by 48 per cent on its second day, and with that, its opening weekend collection stands at Rs 34.71 cr gross at the worldwide box office. Article 370 earned Rs 6.21 crores on Day 1, Rs 9.08 crores on Day 2, and Rs 10.25 crores on Day 3 summing up its NBOC at Rs 25.45. The GBOC only in India has been calculated at Rs 30.03 crores.
One of the most striking aspects of “Article 370” is its portrayal of two formidable female leads.
From its inception, “Article 370” has been met with thunderous applause and rave reviews, with audiences and critics alike lauding its commendable storytelling and compelling performances. The film’s daring exploration of contentious political issues, coupled with its electrifying pace and gripping suspense, has sparked conversations and left an indelible mark on viewers. With scenes that resonate long after the credits roll, “Article 370” is not just a film but a cultural phenomenon, heralding a new dawn for the genre and reaffirming the transformative power of cinema. From Jio Studios and the maker of Uri: The Surgical Strike, comes Article 370, a high-octane action political drama, headlined by Yami Gautam and directed by National Award-winner Aditya Suhas Jambhale. Produced by Jyoti Deshpande, Aditya Dhar, and Lokesh Dhar, the film has been released in cinemas worldwide on 23rd February 2024.