In today’s episode we see that Vidya worries about whether Madhav will return home, while Armaan is tense seeing her concern. However, Madhav returns, and everyone is relieved. Vidya teases Armaan about his jokes and expresses her disbelief. Madhav reveals that he hasn’t returned alone, but with his daughter, Abhira. Everyone is shocked to see her, except for the kids, who are delighted. Armaan whistles and hugs Abhira, thanking her for coming back with Madhav. He promises to give her the best. Abhira says she decided to give their relationship a chance, just like Madhav and Vidya did. The family celebrates with dancing and hugs, but it’s revealed that this was all just Armaan’s dream.
In reality, Armaan puts sindoor on Abhira’s forehead, but she pushes him away and wipes it off. Dadi Sa disapproves of Abhira’s presence, but Madhav insists that she should be welcomed since she brought him back home. Abhira refuses to enter the house, offering to stay in the outhouse instead. Dadi Sa reluctantly agrees, but Madhav decides to join Abhira in the outhouse. Vidya tries to reason with Dadi Sa, while Armaan questions her decision. Madhav accuses Vidya of only caring about her reputation as a good daughter-in-law.
In the outhouse, Abhira tells Madhav how much he has done for her and that he should let her do something too. She suggests making some noodles for both of them.
Later, Armaan watches Abhira through his room window and notices that she is troubled by mosquitoes, so he gets some mosquito cream and All-Out for her and keeps it outside the outhouse. Later, they share a heartfelt moment, but Abhira pushes him away. She closes the door and thinks about Dadi Sa and Ruhi’s words.